How to transfer a Property in the Dominican Republic

To transfer the title of a real estate property in the Dominican Republic to your name, the following process must be carried out after purchase:

Please note: It is highly recommended  to have an experienced real estate lawyer to handle the transfer process. 

To start this process, your attorney needs to deposit the following documents at the  General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII):

1- Real estate transfer payment form (FI-VABI-633) properly filled out and signed.
2- Three (3) copies of the property title.
3- Original notarized purchase contract along with three (3) copies of it.
4- Three (3) copies of the identity card of the buyer of both sides (does not apply when the transfer is by seizure or foreclosure).
5- Three (3) copies of the identity card of the seller of both sides (does not apply when the transfer is by seizure or foreclosure).
7- Copy of the identity card of the representative (applies in the event that a lawyer is making the request).

These documents must be deposited at the assessment unit of the local administration of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII).

In case that one of the parties involved is a company, the following documents will be required:
Copy of the national taxpayer registry (RNC).
Copy of the company representative’s identity card.
Copy of the company extraordinary general meeting.

It’s necessary to have 3 copies of all documents.

Steps to follow for the transfer of a property:

-First step: Attorney goes to the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) with one copy of the entire file and request the calculation of the property transfer tax (3%) .

-Second step: The total amount to be paid, must be paid in a Dominican commercial bank by check. The check must previously be purchased and issued by the same bank to the name of the collector of internal taxes and specify the concept: “payment of real estate transfer in favor of: indicating the full name of the buyer.

-Third step: Attorney goes back to the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII), provide the completed Real Estate Transfer Payment form (FI-VABI-633) with the original documents, plus 3 copies, and then deposits the check at the cashier.

The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) will provide the following:

  1. A receipt for the documents.
  2. A blue receipt for the payment of the 3% transfer tax..
  3. They will seal the original contract, specifying the amount of the transfer paid.

Fourth step: Attorney takes a photocopy of the receipts from the DGII and the sealed and signed contract, and together with the other documents previously mentioned, he goes to the local Real Estate Jurisdiction government agency to deposit the following documents:

  1. Original of the sales contract.
  2. Original Title Certificate.
  3. Original receipt for transfer tax payment.
  4. Copy of the parties’ identification documents.
  5. The corresponding plan for the property.
  6. Receipt for a current payment of Luxury Housing and unbuilt Urban Land Taxes or a certification from the DGII stating that the property is not subject to payment of this tax.
  7. Power of attorney if applicable.
  8. Law stamps and receipts

The Real Estate Jurisdiction will then provide a barcode with a promised delivery date of the new property title in your name.

It is important to note that in the case of a transfer for the following reasons: seizure, transfer of a property won as a prize through a raffle or lottery, a donated property, a property resulting from a succession, a property transfer due to divorce, among others, the requirements must be verified with the DGII, as the same requirements may not always be required.

Requirements for foreigners:
Foreigners who purchase property in the Dominican Republic are required to follow the same procedures and fulfill the same obligations as Dominican citizens. However, in addition to presenting their passport and a secondary identification document such as a driver’s license, they must also obtain a National Taxpayer Registry (RNC) number in order to own the property in their name. This requirement applies to foreigners who are purchasing property as individuals.

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